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Welcome to ArtsNL’s Online Application System

ArtsNL is a non-profit Crown agency created in 1980 by The Arts Council Act. Its mission is to foster and promote the creation and enjoyment of the arts for the benefit of all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. The Council is governed by a volunteer board of 13 appointed by government, reflecting regional representation of the province. This includes 10 professional artists who provide sectoral representation of the arts community; two community representatives (with an interest in the arts); and one representative of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation (non-voting).


ArtsNL receives an annual grant from the Province to support a variety of granting programs, office administration, and communications. It also seeks support from the public and private sector. It supports these artistic disciplines: dance, film, multidiscipline, music, theatre, visual art, and writing.

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